New Jobby Job, Sickness…

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Liking the new jobby job. It’s not a hard job, although vaccuming the place is a workout unto itself. I start cleaning at 8p and it takes me to about 9:45p to finish…ugh! So far I have met some really nice people, employees as well as members. Groovy…TD gets to work out for free and GW gets to use the kids room for free. TD is totally gungho (what a fun word gungho…) about working out. He and Glo-Worm walk to me to work every night, then TD takes him back to the kids room and then goes & works out while I work.

Next week I am going to start my work out. I can’t decide if I want to go in at 5a before GW gets up or after 8a when I can take him to the kids room…extra sleep…get the exercise out of the way…hmmmm…

So Monday…the first day of the new job…I get the sickness. Been all sinusey all week…yuck! I will so glad when it is over, although GW thinks it’s funny when I blow my nose.

A holiday weekend coming up…most of the family is going to the Pow Wow this year.  Most, meaning everyone but me & the boys. I hoping to make it back there in the nect couple years.

I have new videos and such of GW, but I am still working on figuring out the video part of this new blog (thanks Andy Z for all your help). Once I get it all figured out I will post them.

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