
Thank you (you made me blush)

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I started my blogging days in August of 2007. It was mainly a way to keep out-of-town and extended family up-to-date on our life. However, as most things start out…they take on a existance of their own. My blog is still mainly about things that happen in our day-to-day routine, but now include thoughts on parenting, pop culture, and every so often just about me (not that often, I am a mom after all & we rarely do things just about/for us).

Logically I know (based on the site stat page) people other than my family and friends read what I write, most often I try not to think about it (although I have received some lovely comments from new readers). It makes me little nervous…is my writing up to par with the other bloggers, is it interesting enough, funny enough, coherent, spell/grammar checked within an inch of its’ life? I look regularly at the Freshed Pressed Page which has led me to wonderful blogs that I now subscribe to, but also made me think or give me something to talk about. Not all my subscriptions are Freshly Pressed, but maybe I was lead there from one that was.

So I was a little shocked and please and blushing when the lovely ladies at livelaughloveliquor and ournote2self both honored my blog with the

So I guess there are rules that go along with this and here they are:

1. Disclose some things about myself.
2. Link back the awarding blog, (click above).
3. Share the love  and name 15 blogs I’m into.

Since I am lacking in the imagination department right (completely taken up with talking toys), I am going to steal borrow the questions used by my wonderful nominators.

  1. How long have you been married and how many children do you have? I have been married 6 1/2 years now and we have our handsome boy, Glo-Worm. We are hoping to add another Worm to our family this year or next.
  2. Name one thing most people don’t know about you? I don’ t think there is much people don’t know about me already. I tend to over share. The only thing I can think is that I am scared of the dark. I don’t completely freak out when it’s dark, but total darkness tends to send my imagination into overdrive and the things I imagine are what send me into freak out mode.
  3. What is your favorite type of cuisine? I love Italian and Mexican food. My love for Italian food has always been there, but for two years I was a nanny for the owner’s of Pino’s Il Sonetto in Terre Haute, IN. Pino was old school Sicily, his food was freshly made every day and I have been a Italian food snob ever since.
  4. What is your most rewarding memory as a Mom? Those small moments. The ones where I get an unsolicited “I wuv you mom”, when all he wants to do is snuggle up in my arms, when he chooses fruit over chocowate (which is not very often). My most favorite memory and rewarding moment was right after Glo-Worm had his heel-cord surgery (for his club-foot they sliced the Achilles tendon part of the way thru and this “drops” his heel into the correct position, the scar tissue forms a new Achilles tendon). The nurses informed me he would probably be resistant to feeding (breast-feeding that is), but that was normal and he would be super cranky. My kid ate like a champ and was flirting with the nurses when we left the clinic. With every thing that he has gone/goes through with his foot he never acts like it is a big deal.
  5. At which store could you spend all day alone in? I am so boring…a bookstore. I love to look at books, hold books, read the little blurbs on the back, if I am lucky sit down and read a few chapters. A shoe store would be good…I LOVE SHOES!
  6. What is your guilty pleasure? Reality TV…I love ATNM, American Idol, Project Runway…I prefer the shows where they actually have to prove their talent to win…or least to get to the point where the public votes for them.
  7. What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? I don’t know if I can choose just one from the myriad moments of embarrassment that litter my past, present and most likely my future. I will just make a general statement here: My most embarrassing moment has been all those times I have opened my mouth and spoke the stream of consciousness that was currently going through my head. These tend to not make sense to anyone but myself and I see the logic in every thing I am saying, but for some reason no one else does.
  8. What type of work did you do before you became a Mom? I was a bill collector/customer service representative for many years. I was a little surprised I was better at collections then customer service. When I started I wasn’t sure I could be tough enough to get past all the sob stories. Most times as a customer service rep, my bosses would tell me to be a little nicer.
  9. What do you consider a perfect day? A day I could sleep in, then take a leisurely shower (so not a bath person), go to the park with Glo-Worm and The Daddy, make dinner together, then maybe get a babysitter and have a date night.
  10. Have you ever done anything spontaneous? I got a tattoo on my ankle just after my miscarriage (about a year before I got pregnant with Glo-Worm). I went with my friend, Jessica, to get our ears pierced and they had a special on initials ($20 for 3 initials) and decided right then and there to get The Daddy & my initials (CRS) on my ankle.
  11. If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be? Well for eye-candy it would be Ryan Reynolds. For entertainment value Elvis Presley and/or Jim Morrison (I was devastated when I found out they had died).
  12. What was your biggest fashion blunder? Once again there are too many choices here. It could be the tropical shirt with the pastel paisley pants or the big red Sally Jessie glasses and the list goes on.
  13. If you could make one wish, what would it be? Having lost my father at 16y (I only lived him for 10 of those years) my wish would be for my kid(s) to not have to grow up without a father. I loved my dad and never felt I had enough time with him and never want my kid(s) to feel that way.
  14. What are you most proud of ? My family. I have been blessed with a wonderful network of “no choice to be related” and “chosen to be related” in the world. They have been there for me though all the good, bad and ugly. They have been supportive, brutally honest, caring, loving and loyal. They have held me when I cried, shared all my happiest moments, and laughed with me. They are the proudest moments of my joyful life.

Now to share the love; here are the blogs I award The Stylish Blogger Award. I so enjoy reading these posts, they are funny and insightful. Many of them I see aspects of my life, or get great ideas for a post of my own. They tend to be encouraging of others and well, I just like them and I hope you do too.

1) Play 101

2) Plum Bananas

3) Five Crooked Halos

4) Carrie with Children

5) Cheaper than Therapy

6) No Shoe Left Behind

7) Love Life

8) Mighty Maggie

9) The Letter T

10) Simply Solo

11) Cocktails at Tiffany’s

12) Butter & Honey

13) Collective Disclosure

14) The Running Garlic

15) Okay that’s it…I don’t have a 15th one, sorry…I know how disappointed you are…Please wipe your tears…I am sure you will find some wonderful reading on the links above.

livelaughloveliquor and ournote2self…thank you again, you have made my day.


P.S Update on the running thing…not so great missed last week due to sickness & migraine…will restart this week

Girls Day & Gorgeous Weather

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The last week or so we have had the most gorgeous weather. We tried to take advantage of it by spending as much time outside as possible (pictures of  Glo-Worm in slide show and more on Wordless Wednesday).

While I still have some of The Sickness lingering…the boys got the full thing the last few days. Snotty noses, fever, cough, lack of sleep…Oh my. Glo-Worm spent most of yesterday curled up on my lap. When The Daddy tried to take him, he cried or just said “NO, I want my mommy.” Which was just as well, The Daddy was not really feeling up to it, he was just trying to give me a little break.

Saturday was the Girl’s Day Birthday Day Trip. Granna took TBN, Aunt Andi & myself to

If you have never been there…you really should try to go (the link is attached to the picture). We had reservations for 1:30p, when we arrived we looked through the shops that were open. The weather was much cooler then we had anticipated, and I bought the grooviest wrap to help keep me warm. I have a feeling it will become a staple in my wardrobe. Since several store were closed (off-season), we went in to see if we could move our reservation up…Dude said “No such luck.” While we waited we continued to browse some of the other stores that were open. We found some interesting items.

We met the most Delightful Old Lady(DOL) at one of the antique stores. DOL greeted us so enthusiastically. She asked TBN what she was looking for, to which TBN replied “Something I just can’t live without.” DOL said ‘Well, that is prefect, because I bought some thing for you.” She was a little ray of sunshine on a dreary day (weather wise). Unfortunately we couldn’t find anything we could to live without, as we were leaving DOL sadly said “Guess, I bought the wrong thing.”

Turns out our reservation did get bumped up a little. We had the best lunch… Mozzarella sticks, flower-pot bread with strawberry butter (I also learned the top of the bread is Granna’s favorite part), a delicious rib-eye steak sandwich, and the mouth-watering COCONUT CAKE! We also had the best waiter (Aunt Andi made him blush). We also saw Fritzy. Aunt Andi coveted him the moment she saw him. When the large party that was hovering around Fritzy finally left Andi could go look at him. We left Fritzy there, but have a picture to hold us over.

After lunch we went to Benton, KY to another antique store. I purchased a perfume bottle to add to my collection. We also found a few unusual odds and ends there. We were disappointed they no longer had the imported antique furniture (it was one of our favorite parts). Finally we headed home. We sang songs, talked and had so much fun being together.

Thanks for a wonderful day Mom!

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Glo-Worm and Birthday Party

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We got some new pictures of Glo-Worm. I think my kid is pretty darn cute considering there are no real features yet…got a great black & white grainy profile. We went to the specialist this week. He did a pretty intense ultrasound and determined that Glo-Worm’s right foot is slightly club footed. He said that there was nothing that we could have done to make this happen, nor could we have prevented it…pretty much luck of the DNA. The doctor was sure that it was very slight and nothing to be concerned about. He seemed to think Glo-Worm may have to wear some special shoes. We have a follow up appointment in September.

This past weekend was Sos’s 2nd Birthday. She is growing up so fast. Her birthday party was at the Boonville Spray park…it is a great place…all the kids got to run around in the water and on the play ground. There were cupcakes with Elmo on them and presents. Sos spent a lot of time with her shopping cart and stuffed Elmo she received. We took KK with us and he would have stayed there all day if he could have.

We kinda forgot that The Daddy’s birthday is this coming Monday (yeah tomorrow)so we have a busy but relaxing day ahead of us. We are going to spend the afternoon swimming at his dad’s and then we are going out TBN’s for dinner with the family. My Uncle David is town from Iowa and it is always wonderful to see him.

Next weekend, Uncle Dubby graduates with Honours from the Police Academy. I am very excited about being able to. We are all so very proud of him. He reminded me several times yesterday not to lose my ticket.