
Wordless Wednesday

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I Think I Secretly Have A Hero Complex…

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GW and I are on a trip to Maryland to see TBF. It has been way to long since we last saw her and am thrilled to be here.

The trip here….C-R-A-Z-Y

Our flight from Evansville got delayed.

Finally we get boarded and are all ready to go when the pilot pops his head out and says “Sorry one of my engines won’t start. You will have to get off the plane and reschedule.”

Go inside, stand in line for 45 minutes and get rerouted through Atlanta

We get on this plane, in Atlanta guess what? Delayed plane!

We get to Baltimore finally! We get to our rental and head on our way. As I am getting my GPS going it starts to take me some back way to the Interstate. Seriously, it tried to take me down a restricted road.

Finally, I am on the interstate we are headed to TBF‘s and the world is right. Until I call TBF and find out I JUUUUSSSSSSSTTTTT passed the exit I needed. After several funny and wrong directions and turn arounds we made it safe and sound.

Now with all that in mind the subject of my post.

I am not a worst  first reactor. I think of all the worst things that could happen.

I thought our flight could crash, get taken hostage, or all sorts of crazy movie worthy ideas.

But, then my thoughts would head into…If the plane crashed we would survive and help take care of the other injured people. GW would be so in awe of my calmness he would just help out with what ever I asked him to do. If we got taken hostage, I would be the one to get a secret message to TD and he would contact all the right people and we would be saved.

You see where I am headed with this…

Secretly, I think I want to be a Super Hero!

Postless Week

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TD has the week off.. .which means no new posts this week (he has control of the computer).  See you next week!

Five Question Friday – May 20, 2011

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Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them. Oh, and having fun is a MUST!

Questions for Friday, May 19th: (Special thanks to @joleneslavik, @ThisDaddys_Blog,@deannajw, Christine, and Sandy for their question suggestions! I would love to link YOU in a future 5QF, so just c’mon over to my community to offer up your best question suggestions, or just watch for my Twitter shout out for questions and @5crookedhalos me using hashtag #5QF!)

1. Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?

2. A question for the ladies…What kind of facial hair do you like on your man?

3. What’s the worst vacation you’ve ever taken?

4. What’s the first-ever blog you followed?

5. Do you enjoy amusement parks?


1. Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?

Rarely. I work an evening shift and am not home usually until after 10p. When I get home we might watch a TV show together, but he will almost always fall asleep before it’s over. I then read for about 30minutes before going to sleep.

2. A question for the ladies…What kind of facial hair do you like on your man?

Meh…I can take it or leave it. However, if he does have facial hair, keep it well maintained (same for men with long hair). Keep it trimmed and clean.

3. What’s the worst vacation you’ve ever taken?

I don’t think I have ever had a bad vacation. There were some interesting happenings on some vacations, but nothing ever so bad it made it the “worst.”

4. What’s the first-ever blog you followed?

The first blog was my sister-in-laws mother then my sister-in-laws. I followed them both for almost a year before I started my own.

5. Do you enjoy amusement parks?

Yes and no. I won’t ride roller coasters, but I love all the rides that spin. I really hate when they are super crowded. People seem to have lost common courtesy in recent years and I just can’t handle rude people. We try to go when the parks should be the least crowded, weekdays, the very end of the season, that sort of thing

Five Question Friday

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Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, then watch for the linky to appear Friday morning! And most of all…have fun!!

1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?

3. What is your favorite meal to cook?

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?

5. How did you meet your best friend?


1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?
Ummmmmm….Kinda dark…Auburn-ish……maybe…..dark, yeah it is dark….maybe brown/black/auburn…..awwww man, not really

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?
Unless there is a vacation (really what are those) involved, fly by the seat of our pants. It usually means lots of time outside and in the pool.

3. What is your favorite meal to cook?
Baked Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas, with refried beans, rice, guacamole, chips, salsa….mmmmmm…guess what we are having for dinner this weekend?

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?
Offended, no. Irked, oh yes. There is no reason for rudeness, it’s my number one pet peeve.

5. How did you meet your best friend?
At college. She just moved to our floor in the dorms and I went and introduced myself to her and we have been friends ever since.

Not Much To Report

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This last week The Daddy took some vacation time. We didn’t do a whole lot since I still had to work.

The highlights of the week:

  • I got a Venti cup of yumminess & coffee cake for my belly Monday
  • Tuesday we found the-BEST-stuff-ever to remove paint. (I can’t find it online right now, but will get a picture of it later.) It safely took the paint off the cabinet, windows, carpet, lamp & floor.
  • We also got us some commercial grade stove cleaner (the previous Tenants in the house, the house we are trying to sell, had left a huge mess on the stove…they burnt through the drip pans…for real, I couldn’t make that up) that amazed and astounded us.
  • I LOVE when things work the way we want them too
  • We thought we had a plumbing issue with  the kitchen sink at the other house….turns out the little filter thingy just needed to be cleaned out.
  • We took Glo-Worm to play putt-putt. He a little freaked when we got there…LOTS of noise. Once I demonstrated what putt-putt (promptly hitting my ball in the water) was, Glo-Worm was all on it. The main purpose was to try to hit the ball in the water from there on out. (Sorry for the blurry pics, he moves at the speed of RUN)
  • We went to a hockey game for our own Evansville Icemen. They were having their first Beach Night and had asked The Boss Man to be a judge in the bikini & trunk contest…he asked me to go instead. It was okay, I had more fun talking to TBN & the other judges than watching the match. Not much happened.
  • The Daddy for selected for the Leadership Development Program at his company. So very excited and proud of him. This going to be a good opportunity to learn a lot, downside there is apparently a lot of travel involved for the rest of the year. I think that means I am going to have to breakdown & hire a babysitter for Glo-Worm.
  • I am so in love with my NOOK. Since I got it at Christmas, I have been devouring books. So far, only one purchased book…everything else has been from the library. I have read several series, random books, I have books on hold, I have about five checked out right now. My library has a great selection, my only complaint is that they don’t always have the entire series. Some times a book in the middle is missing or they have the book but not as an e-book.

So that is our week. Kinda low key.

Thank you (you made me blush)

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I started my blogging days in August of 2007. It was mainly a way to keep out-of-town and extended family up-to-date on our life. However, as most things start out…they take on a existance of their own. My blog is still mainly about things that happen in our day-to-day routine, but now include thoughts on parenting, pop culture, and every so often just about me (not that often, I am a mom after all & we rarely do things just about/for us).

Logically I know (based on the site stat page) people other than my family and friends read what I write, most often I try not to think about it (although I have received some lovely comments from new readers). It makes me little nervous…is my writing up to par with the other bloggers, is it interesting enough, funny enough, coherent, spell/grammar checked within an inch of its’ life? I look regularly at the Freshed Pressed Page which has led me to wonderful blogs that I now subscribe to, but also made me think or give me something to talk about. Not all my subscriptions are Freshly Pressed, but maybe I was lead there from one that was.

So I was a little shocked and please and blushing when the lovely ladies at livelaughloveliquor and ournote2self both honored my blog with the

So I guess there are rules that go along with this and here they are:

1. Disclose some things about myself.
2. Link back the awarding blog, (click above).
3. Share the love  and name 15 blogs I’m into.

Since I am lacking in the imagination department right (completely taken up with talking toys), I am going to steal borrow the questions used by my wonderful nominators.

  1. How long have you been married and how many children do you have? I have been married 6 1/2 years now and we have our handsome boy, Glo-Worm. We are hoping to add another Worm to our family this year or next.
  2. Name one thing most people don’t know about you? I don’ t think there is much people don’t know about me already. I tend to over share. The only thing I can think is that I am scared of the dark. I don’t completely freak out when it’s dark, but total darkness tends to send my imagination into overdrive and the things I imagine are what send me into freak out mode.
  3. What is your favorite type of cuisine? I love Italian and Mexican food. My love for Italian food has always been there, but for two years I was a nanny for the owner’s of Pino’s Il Sonetto in Terre Haute, IN. Pino was old school Sicily, his food was freshly made every day and I have been a Italian food snob ever since.
  4. What is your most rewarding memory as a Mom? Those small moments. The ones where I get an unsolicited “I wuv you mom”, when all he wants to do is snuggle up in my arms, when he chooses fruit over chocowate (which is not very often). My most favorite memory and rewarding moment was right after Glo-Worm had his heel-cord surgery (for his club-foot they sliced the Achilles tendon part of the way thru and this “drops” his heel into the correct position, the scar tissue forms a new Achilles tendon). The nurses informed me he would probably be resistant to feeding (breast-feeding that is), but that was normal and he would be super cranky. My kid ate like a champ and was flirting with the nurses when we left the clinic. With every thing that he has gone/goes through with his foot he never acts like it is a big deal.
  5. At which store could you spend all day alone in? I am so boring…a bookstore. I love to look at books, hold books, read the little blurbs on the back, if I am lucky sit down and read a few chapters. A shoe store would be good…I LOVE SHOES!
  6. What is your guilty pleasure? Reality TV…I love ATNM, American Idol, Project Runway…I prefer the shows where they actually have to prove their talent to win…or least to get to the point where the public votes for them.
  7. What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? I don’t know if I can choose just one from the myriad moments of embarrassment that litter my past, present and most likely my future. I will just make a general statement here: My most embarrassing moment has been all those times I have opened my mouth and spoke the stream of consciousness that was currently going through my head. These tend to not make sense to anyone but myself and I see the logic in every thing I am saying, but for some reason no one else does.
  8. What type of work did you do before you became a Mom? I was a bill collector/customer service representative for many years. I was a little surprised I was better at collections then customer service. When I started I wasn’t sure I could be tough enough to get past all the sob stories. Most times as a customer service rep, my bosses would tell me to be a little nicer.
  9. What do you consider a perfect day? A day I could sleep in, then take a leisurely shower (so not a bath person), go to the park with Glo-Worm and The Daddy, make dinner together, then maybe get a babysitter and have a date night.
  10. Have you ever done anything spontaneous? I got a tattoo on my ankle just after my miscarriage (about a year before I got pregnant with Glo-Worm). I went with my friend, Jessica, to get our ears pierced and they had a special on initials ($20 for 3 initials) and decided right then and there to get The Daddy & my initials (CRS) on my ankle.
  11. If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be? Well for eye-candy it would be Ryan Reynolds. For entertainment value Elvis Presley and/or Jim Morrison (I was devastated when I found out they had died).
  12. What was your biggest fashion blunder? Once again there are too many choices here. It could be the tropical shirt with the pastel paisley pants or the big red Sally Jessie glasses and the list goes on.
  13. If you could make one wish, what would it be? Having lost my father at 16y (I only lived him for 10 of those years) my wish would be for my kid(s) to not have to grow up without a father. I loved my dad and never felt I had enough time with him and never want my kid(s) to feel that way.
  14. What are you most proud of ? My family. I have been blessed with a wonderful network of “no choice to be related” and “chosen to be related” in the world. They have been there for me though all the good, bad and ugly. They have been supportive, brutally honest, caring, loving and loyal. They have held me when I cried, shared all my happiest moments, and laughed with me. They are the proudest moments of my joyful life.

Now to share the love; here are the blogs I award The Stylish Blogger Award. I so enjoy reading these posts, they are funny and insightful. Many of them I see aspects of my life, or get great ideas for a post of my own. They tend to be encouraging of others and well, I just like them and I hope you do too.

1) Play 101

2) Plum Bananas

3) Five Crooked Halos

4) Carrie with Children

5) Cheaper than Therapy

6) No Shoe Left Behind

7) Love Life

8) Mighty Maggie

9) The Letter T

10) Simply Solo

11) Cocktails at Tiffany’s

12) Butter & Honey

13) Collective Disclosure

14) The Running Garlic

15) Okay that’s it…I don’t have a 15th one, sorry…I know how disappointed you are…Please wipe your tears…I am sure you will find some wonderful reading on the links above.

livelaughloveliquor and ournote2self…thank you again, you have made my day.


P.S Update on the running thing…not so great missed last week due to sickness & migraine…will restart this week

Five Question Friday

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Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them! And, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!

1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?

Oh YES! What new mom hasn’t? Besides that I have as well. Mostly it’s cute stuff that didn’t get dirty the day before, and a different set of people so they don’t realize I have worn the same outfit twice. A good part of this is because I hate to do laundry and if my cute stuff can with stand a toddler for a two days…gonna save myself some time 🙂

2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?
NYC! I have been in, around, near other large cities, but man nothing beats the vibe of NYC. We went a few years ago (before Glo-Worm) and only spent a few hours of an afternoon there (TBF moved to New Jersey, we helped) and I told the The Daddy if I were single I would move there in a heart beat (NYC, not NJ…unless TBF was still there and we got super fabulous job offers)

3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
We have always driven. from the time I can remember we always drove to our destination for vacation. The one time we flew, was not the best experience. The last road trip as a family before marriages and such was to my Uncle David & Aunt Jan’s house in Iowa. Since then The Daddy and I have been on several road trips. The Daddy would prefer we fly with the kid(s) when we get to go on vacations again

4. What is your idea of “spring cleaning”?
Ideally, getting someone else to do it. I have a huge aversion to cleaning (The Daddy would agree). However, when I do the cleaning I am a total purger. Clean everything out within an inch of its’ life.

5. What is the best book you have ever read?
The World According to Garp – John Irving. this has been my go-to book for ages. Whenever I have read everything in the house and there are no new books on my horizon, I will re-read it. I have probably read it about 10-12 times since I have owned it.

My much read and loved copy

P.S. A little follow up to yesterday’s post about running…yesterday after I wrote all that…I fell on my way to work. Just walking!  It’s not a huge boo boo, but it stings like the dickens…I’m terrified my whole body will end up like this.

This is why I am afraid to run in public.



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Recently I bought a new video game…Bust-a-Move Bash! It was as fun as I remembered, andbrought back a lot of fond memories as well.

For may years the long weekend of Thanksgiving was spent at a lake house at Kentucky Dam Village. It was a nice weekend of walks, food, going to antique stores, more food, hanging out, reading books, more food, family QT. One of the items brought a long was a video game called Bust-a-Move.  It’s a bubble popping game, you can play in puzzle mode by yourself, play vs. the game, or play against each other on a split screen. One particular year we played 175 consecutive matches with players switching in and out throughout the day/evening. We all loved this game and had so much fun and the competitiveness (all in good fun) was nuts. It was one of the year-long looked forward to events.

A few years ago the long weekends to the lake stopped. I still miss them, I considered those Thanksgiving weekends our annual family vacations. Packing virtually everything you would need: cooking pans, food, spices, clothing, list upon list  to make sure nothing was forgotten (which some thing usually was). No longer do we get to spend 4 whole days together just being a family, being together. We all have families now and the holidays must become shared not only with our immediate family, but with our spouses families as well. Life began to happen for all of us. I miss sitting snuggled up with TBN on a couch reading books or just chatting, I miss watching my brother grow up right in front of my eyes, I miss those quiet moments talking to Granna with no particular topic, I miss the bear hugs from Uncle David.

New traditions have taken hold since then. We now only get to spend the one day together, but we try to make the most of it. We have more family (Chosen & Not) to spend the day with. The one tradition I wish we still had time for is a day of  Bust-a-Move. Maybe we need to plan an Annual Bust-a-Move Party in January….oooooooooo….my brain is moving at the idea now! Food, drinks, family, Wii…..ohhhhh this thought process is making me very happy. Hmmmmmm, I will update you later on this 🙂